
The group finally returns to safety, or so they think…

Eta George
3 min readAug 7, 2024


Photo by Tobias Keller on Unsplash

Previously: In the ranger’s hut, a surprise awaits the lost hikers…

The group trudges through the dense bush, their bodies aching but their spirits high. It’s almost night time, and as they turn a corner, the park’s visitor center comes into sight, its lights turned on.

“Thank heavens!” Lisa gasps, a stitch in her side bothering her.

The sun has long since set, and they are navigating with their torches. They have been walking for what feels like an eternity but finally, finally, they make it back to civilization, safe and sound.

“We’re almost there,” Mark says, his voice hoarse with exhaustion. “Just a little further.”

Luca nods weakly, his face haggard. “I can’t believe we made it.”

“No more Vegemite!” Aiko says enthusiastically.

Their food supplies have run out long ago and they’ve survived on whatever food they could find in the ranger’s hut. And a lot of Vegemite. They have even started enjoying it’s taste.

The sight of the visitor center gives them a burst of energy, and they quicken their pace. Soon they reach the entrance. With Mark at the fore front, they all…



Eta George

Author. Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi lover. Anti-content. Mostly useful information. Devil's minion since 21/08/22.