The Beyond

Just when they think things can’t get any scarier, the light reveals it’s true form….

Eta George
5 min readAug 31, 2024


Photo by Trophim Lapteff on Unsplash

Previously: Back at their old camp, the group makes contact with a lone light…

“That’s a little dramatic, isn’t it?” Emma asks, crossing her arms. “Never get out of here? What are the lights gonna do? Gobble us up?”

The night grows eerily still. The only sound that remains is the soft crackle of the fire, burning low now, its glow barely illuminating the small circle where the group huddles together. Jules stands apart from them, her eyes still fixed on the spot where the Min Min light vanished. There’s something different in the air, a sensation she can’t quite place. The charge of energy hasn’t dissipated — it’s still there, humming just beneath the surface of reality.

“Do you feel that?” Jules whispers, her voice barely audible.

Dan glances over at her. “Feel what?”

Before anyone can respond, the air around them begins to vibrate, low and thrumming, like a far-off engine revving to life. Jules takes a step back, suddenly afraid, her gaze locked on the darkness where the light disappeared. Slowly, the glow begins to return, pulsing stronger than before, and starts expanding, growing…



Eta George

Author. Horror, Fantasy and Sci-Fi lover. Anti-content. Mostly useful information. Devil's minion since 21/08/22.